Why is diversity important in the workplace? (A to Z)

7 min readJun 27, 2022


Who doesn’t want to improve workplace productivity, company culture, employee retention?

Everybody wants.

This is where why diversity is important in the workplace comes in.

Is it a trend to follow bringing diversity in a workplace?

Or, is it a quota company needs to meet?

No, not at all.

It’s a route that every business should take because it leads to more prospects and productivity.

So, is diversity important in the workplace?

Yes, definitely.

Then what are the benefits of diversity in the workplace?

Wait, my friend. I’ll explain. Please have patience a little more.

Don’t have too much time to read?

Okay, no problem. Please look at the following table of content.

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Happy, dear?

Now let’s read the rest part of this article.

What is diversity in a workplace (with example)?

I don’t want to start with the toughest definition.

This is not my goal. My goal is to make things easily understandable and digestible to my readers.

Do you agree with me?

Let’s start with an example of what is diversity in a workplace?

But no, I am not going to write any sentence-centered example right now.

We know a picture says more than words. So, I am going to upload pictorial-based examples.


We can remember it for a long time.

Please have a look below:

Now we can explain what diversity is in a workplace, right?

In the workplace, diversity refers to including employees from various backgrounds.

For example:

Diversity in interests, gender diversity, racial diversity in an organization.

Is it clear to you?

Okay, now I’ll write about why diversity is important in the workplace.

Why is diversity important in the workplace?

When we are all in the same environment with the same background, it cannot be easy to share ideas and experiences.

Diversity means you can get the best from your employees as they bring different experiences and ideas to the table.

It also means that you have access to talent pools that may not otherwise be accessible through traditional recruitment methods.

Diversity helps build a stronger, more creative, and more productive workforce.

That’s why diversity is important in the workplace.

The benefits of diversity in the workplace

A good reputation

Companies with a diversified workforce are usually considered better employers.

Potential employees want to work for a company that accepts and tolerates employees from different backgrounds and treats them fairly.

Not only this.

The organization that practices workplace diversity is perceived as socially responsible to the customers, partnerships, and markets.

Why is this important?

It improves your organization’s brand value.

Only this?


It helps to attract that company to new customers and markets.

Making better decisions

According to one study, diverse teams make smart decisions up to 87 percent of the time than non-diverse teams.

Diversity in the workplace means the company has a broader range of experienced employees.

Broader experience of all background employees means-

  • More educated and innovative decisions.
  • Better result for a company.

I think this is one of the main benefits of cultural diversity.

Lower employee turnover

This is another reason, why is diversity important in the workplace?

— — Employees feel more satisfied

— — Employees feel more comfortable

A study shows that diverse teams are more loyal to their organization.

Creativity and problem-solving

Suppose a company follows cultural diversity in its workplace.

Well, that’s great.

The strength of that company is they have people with:

  • different skills
  • different experiences
  • different expertise
  • different backgrounds
  • different perspectives and insights

As a result, the company enjoys:

  • Increased innovation.
  • A creative solution to any problem.
  • Strong relationship among employees.
  • Improved workplace collaboration.

Tons of benefits, right?

What do you say?

So, is diversity important in the workplace?

Yes, definitely. Having a diverse workforce is very important.

Productivity Increases

Another great news!

Diversity in the workplace —

  • increases employee morale,
  • create a drive to be more productive and efficient

And the result is increased productivity in the workplace.

Want proof?

According to research, diversifying your workforce can improve productivity by 35%.

So far, we have known the benefits of diversity in the workplace.

Wow, great. Congratulation.

Now you know why diversity is important in the workplace.

Don’t you think it’s also important to know the diversity issues in the workplace?


Actually, we should see both sides of any topic.

I think no one will disagree with me.

Let’s know the disadvantages of diversity in the workplace.

Diversity issues in the workplace

Diversity challenges in the workplace are as follows:

Communication Barriers

Common problem.

But don’t worry.

There is no problem without a solution.

In this world, there is not a single problem without a solution.

You have built a diverse team for your company.


But the problem is some of the employees speak foreign languages.

The result is —

communication gap between the employees.

It can be a serious issue.

Your company’s productivity may decrease only because of the communication barrier.

Getting tensed?

Patience, please.

A fantastic solution is waiting for you?

You can hire a multilingual translator.

Only one solution?

No, dear. There are more.

  • There are some great translation apps. Your employees can use any of them.
  • You can arrange a language educational course for your company for learning new languages.

Superb, right?

As a side bonus,

this will also help your employees communicate with foreign customers.

So dear,

this way, you can bridge the communication gap between employees.

This will help in the growth and expansion of your company’s potential.

Hip hip hurrah….

Huh, we have got at least one diversity issue solution in the workplace.

What do you say, dear?

Unreasonable Prejudices

Some people can’t tolerate others who are different from them.

No doubt.

It’s one of the diversity challenges in the workplace.

What is the result of this problem?

Racism, sexual harassment, and even religious discrimination might arise from this.

Now, what can we do?

  • Anti-discrimination solid policies in the workplace.
  • Immediate action against those who don’t follow the guidelines.

This way, we can avoid this diversity issue in the workplace.

Professional Etiquette in Different Perspectives

Let’s start with an example.

People from Europe are accustomed to frequent eye contact.

On the other hand, direct eye contact may be threatening or disrespectful to people from Native American cultures.

Different cultures have different etiquette.

But this can lead to conflict in the workplace.

Yes, it may happen.

What can you do?

Take preventive action. Make sure employees in the workplace respect each other’s traditions and values.

Too many points of view and opinion

Different personnel has different approaches to the same problem and different ways of presenting their opinions.

Employees who do so add a lot of value to your company.

No doubt.

But sometimes it create a problem.

Excessive opinions and excessive viewpoints can lead to failure to reach a consensus.

Very sad.

Diversity is important in the workplace.

But there are also some diversity challenges in the workplace.

We already know many of them.

Anyway, what can be the solution to excessive opinions?

You can elect a committee consisting of high-performing executives.

What will they do?

Step 1: The members of that committee will hear the opinions and suggestions of their diverse workforce

Step 2: Then, the committee will evaluate those opinions.

Step 3: At last, they will select the best one.

And the problem is solved.

The final thought

You know why diversity is important in the workplace.

You know diversity issues in the workplace.

But don’t rush for your diversity plan.

Sometimes diversity challenges may damage your organization.

Before you undertake your diversity initiative, make sure you’re ready to face the issues described above.

Don’t rush to implement a diversity plan in the workplace.

Otherwise, it may create even more problems that will be more difficult to solve.

So be prepared to implement cultural diversity in your workplace from the first day.

Originally published at https://remoteful.dev.




Written by REMOTEful

REMOTEful is a job site that specializes in remote work. https://remoteful.dev/

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